Thursday, July 31, 2008

Silly Fun with Google Analytics

nerd alertI've been running Google Analytics on my blog since I started, and today I decided out of boredom to take a look at the numbers for the entirety of my blog. What is Google Analytics? It is a software tool that allows you to put a snippet of code on your blog so you can then track your Internet traffic - how many people are reading your posts, which are more popular, how people are finding you. All useful things to know when you are trying to drive traffic to your site. I had used it before on a few commercial ventures and was happy with it, and it's free, which is important when using it for a non-money maker like a blog. Anyway, I thought the results were interesting enough to post.

Top 10 Countries

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. Canada
  5. Kuwait
  6. Finland
  7. Australia
  8. Iraq
  9. Brazil
  10. Italy
Overall, I had visitors from 90 different countries, and it's no surprise the US and UK would be first or that other major English speaking countries would be on the list. Germany, Kuwait, Italy and Iraq make some sense too since there are US troops there, but Finland and Brazil were a definite surprise. If you are a reader from those countries I would love to hear what your interest is/was (sgtgrumpy "at"

Top 10 Referrers
  1. (really no surprise there)
  9. - sadly no longer blogging
Blogging etiquette dictates I get links up to these folks pronto! Interestingly, I also got a large number of referrals from Google images searches in the US and UK, hmmm, is someone trying to get a look at the Grump?

Top 10 Search Terms
  1. Of course number one was some version of Sergeant Grumpy ( different versions were registered)
  2. jane hernishin (an active blog commentator)
  3. inshallah
  4. shitpond (a result of my Steaming Bowl of Suck, part 1, part II and part III posts)
  5. sergeant jump
  6. miss bosnia / miss bosnia 2008
  7. texan cheerleaders (thanks again Hope [;)
  8. whump there it is
  9. dead mouse in car (WTF?)
  10. operations for dummies (one of the funniest items of military humor last year)
Overall, the different versions of Sergeant Grumpy accounted for vast majority of search referrals, but heh, the other 9 are interesting, no?

Other Random Facts
  • Average time on site: 1:21
  • 20% of my readers use the Firefox browser
  • 6.8% of Grumpy readers get to my site over dial-up
  • My blog's busiest day was January 14th, 2008, which was shortly after my Steaming Bowl of Suck, part 1 post
  • My blog's busiest month was April 2008, which coincided with the Battle of Basra.
So there you have it, if any other mil-bloggers want access to similar trivia for their own site, go on over to Google Analytics and sign up. If you need help shoot me an email (sgtgrumpy "at" Milbloggers get free grumpy tech support, all others are $120/hr.


CI-Roller Dude said...

You must have way too much time on your hands...I can't even figure out how to do that crap....and I'm not sure I care. I suppose someone is reading my blogg...who they are and where those one or two people are I have no idea....
But then...most people who know me in person wouldn't think I'd even know what the hell a blogg was much less be able to post one.