Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some things just don't translate

I am working on a update post, but I have been incredibly busy. And on top of working late every day (it 0112 right now and I am just going to sleep) the call to prayer blares out every morning at around 0445 and goes on and on.

However, I found this in the laundry trailer and had to share.

If you notice there are lemons in the upper left hand corner, making this lemon barf. I checked the label to see where this was made - can you guess? Who would have thought we'd have Iranian barf to wash our clothes with. You just can't make this shit up.


Anonymous said...

It's 0135 here now...don't know if it's the hour or what but this cracked me up...I'm going to be linking this one...

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Hope you guys don't have sensitive skin!! ;-)