Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Iraq. Here, well it is just another day. Another day out on the road, in training with the Iraqis, another day trying to put together the pieces of several puzzles, of trying to sort through, of trying to get through.

But then it is also not any other day. The most American of Holidays, it is a day to set aside differences and sit around the table and enjoy the bounty of our land together. To enjoy the company and conversation of good friends and family. It is a day not to take for granted.

So, Happy Thanksgiving to you America. And be Thankful – for the food on your table, the roof over your head, the safety of your loved ones, the peace you enjoy in your neighborhoods. For that is not normal in the course of human history, or in much of the world today.

And Thank You, America, for your support. Thank you anonymous strangers who have stopped me in the airport, at the store, at the gas station to say thanks and share a story of a relative who also served. Thank you my wife, my mom, my family and friends. Thank you readers who send encouragement and support. Thank you my fellow Warriors. Today as I have a modest Thanksgiving dinner prepared by the best Army cooks, it is for all of you I am Thankfull.


Anonymous said...

It is you and your fellow soldiers that all of us are thankful for today and everyday!

Anonymous said...

Right back atcha, Sgt.! I spent turkey day in an airport putting my son on a flight for a vacation with his grandparents and kind of missed the dinner and doings of the day.

The good part was getting to watch some of you guys coming home to your families. The poignancy of it drives home what you have said here and overshadowed the turkey coma I generally would have been in at the time.

Be safe and mcuh affection to you and yours there and at home.

Bag Blog said...

And we are thankful.

Anonymous said...

It is always the true heroes that deflect the attention off of themselves and give appreciation to others rather than themselves...that is part of what makes them heroes. Never mind thanking us Grumpy...we should all be thanking you and your fellow soldiers for allowing us to continue to celebrate Thanksgiving and live a life that enables us to really live free. (So many of us take for granted that we can do as we please throughout our day without worry.) Happy Thanksgiving to you...You are a true hero.